Mildronate dose revealed in Hripsime Khurshudyan’s blood is not sufficient to disqualify her

16:30 - 26 Apr, 2016

The mildronate dose revealed in weightlifting team member, European champion Hripsime Khurshudyan’s blood is not sufficient to disqualify her.

“The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has a clearly defined dose of stimulants that in case of being used in excess can lead the athlete to disqualification. The mildronate dose revealed in Hripsime Khurshudyan’s blood is not sufficient to disqualify her”, Head of Armenia’s anti-doping agency Areg Hovhannisyan said to ANOC press service.

Not only Hripsime Khurshudyan but also Russian Leysan Makhiyanova and Polish Krzysztof Szramiak were included in the list published by the International Weightlifting Federation.

ANOC press service

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